Time for an update. WARNING...If you are poop sensative tune out until the next paragraph. Thursday Bay was with Gail and she had cooked a vegetable soup and she mashed up some of it and Bay ate a little. (* In Gail's defense I was on the phone with her and totally agreed it would be fine to let her eat some because she had already tried all of the food in the soup. And Bay only ate a few bites.) Anyway, Bay had several poop diapers at Gails. When I got Bay home she was still in a good mood and I put her in her high chair with a few chocolate chip teddy grahams and some cheerios while I cooked and washed bottles. Anyway, Syd came to help me and commented on Bay's dirty face...she had chocolate on it from the cookies (or so I thought)...GAG LONG story short, Bay had a MAJORRRR Blow Out and then proceeded to get her hand in it...and continued to eat cookies, drink her drink, etc ....PLEASE DONT COME GET ME DHR. EWWWWWWW I nearly died of a stroke!!!! It was everywhere. So I picked her up and literally carried her to the tub and put her in clothes and all. I couldnt decide what to wash first...It was bad. Defintiely one of those moments I wont forget. Brian decided the only way to save the high chair was by utilizing the hose pipe in the front yard. I dont know which one of us had the worst job. YUK. Anyway, we figured we were finished with poop for awhile but nope she ended up having what we think was a little stomach bug. We took her off food and put her on G2 for 24 hours. The funny thing is it didnt seem to bother her at all to not have food. She never once cried or even acted hungry. It puzzled us. Anyway, Sunday she seemed much better.
If you tuned out due to POOP sensitivity it is safe to return. lol Sunday we went to the river to cat sit. It was fun. Syd & Devin had a great time. Bay was still not up for her pool. We are going to keep trying though. Sunday was our first service without Daryl, Becky, Emily & Rachel. it was so sad pulling in and having no Custred cars in the parking lot. I miss my friend and really wish they didnt have to change churches.
Yesterday was a good day. After work I went to pick up Bay & Syd & Devin adn we headed to the river to cat sit again. lol We really just picked up a pizza and sat on the deck for a little while and watched part of a movie. We went and checked out my parents second home. They recently purchased the little house behind them. It is so cute. It is little and needs to be majorly cleaned and painting is a must but it is really going to be nice. It has tons of potential. It is going to be my daddy's new hobby. lol The yard is going to take some major renovations to get rid of a bunch of the unwanted shrubs/plants/weeds, etc. Simple yards are best at the river to decrease the places for snakes, etc. to hide out. yuk. The river front there is going to be the worst part of it all. It will take some major weed pulling. I worry aobut that part becuase I am petrified of snakes and weed beds just look snakey to me...ewww. Anyway. We ran by Alan's to drop off the keys, he is cat sitting tonight. lol Brody & Alana came running out to see us. They are too cute. Bayley was asleep so we couldnt get out but they will get plenty of play time saturday when we do Father's day for Daddy. We cant wait!
Mother & Daddy have had a pretty good time on their work/vacation. Mother said the classes were long and boring but what do you expect. Daddy sounds like he has had fun with Ben during the day. They obviously went to Daytona one day. He really liked that. Last night they went to Sea World and got put in some kind of room becuase of a tornado warning. All that money and no Nemo! lol Mother had a major ring scare. She lost one of her rings. Daddy said she was really upset...but it was at the conference center where her classes were! Bless the person who turned it in! Anyway they come home tomorrow!!!
Bayley starts daycare on Monday. Today is Bayley's last day with Katie. :( Katie was sooo sweet to volunteer to help watch Bayley when she came so early and we knew daycare wasnt an option. It has worked out wonderful for us and Bayley loves Katie & Hannah. Thanks so much Katie for all the love and care you have given Bayley. You will never know how much we appreciate it!
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